

Innovation Advocate

In December 2023 we launched a new service: Innovation Advocate Innovation Advocate is a business consulting service which empowers innovation ecosystem and ESG/ sustainability framework. We support your development in the regulated markets and help you connect and cooperate with business partners. Services for business, startups, VC, accelerators, NGOs and academia. Innovation-specific services delivered by Mamczur Law Firm ( and partners. International law, with focus on FinTech, corporate law, commercial contracts and personal data protection. Unique mix of professional expertise and international business network. The understanding of cultural differences and communication in several languages, incl. English, French, Polish and German make you feel connected and understood when you are growing your business. Innovation Advocate has a strong background in NGO and non-profit organizations and ESG framework because we believe in making a positive social, business and environmental impact through sustainable business and active citizenship.

By | January 7th, 2024|Business, Innovation, International, IT, Sustainability|Comments Off on Innovation Advocate


The time since spring 2021 has been dominated by activities related to FinTech and developing a startup in open banking niche. This has brought us to co-creating a FinTech ecosystem in Poland, including the creation of the innovative program of FinTech Postgraduate Studies at the University of Łódź. We're proud to be one of the partners - Joanna Mamczur has been invited as a lecturer for regulatory framework of FinTech in this program. First classes started in October 2023. A dedicated FinTech educational program for professionals has resulted as a by-product of Mamczur Law Firm's involvement in these activities.

By | December 1st, 2023|Business, Financial, Governments, Innovation, International, IT, Sustainability, Uncategorized|Comments Off on FinTech

Jak przygotować się do pozyskania klientów zagranicznych B2B w branży IT

Już 21 stycznia 2021 r. o godz. 18 zapraszamy na warsztat dla branży IT Rejestracja: Zapraszamy na warsztat online 21 stycznia o godz. 18: Jak przygotować się do pozyskania klientów zagranicznych B2B w branży IT To praktyczny warsztat dla managerów, team leaderów w IT, specjalistów Business Development i sprzedaży, PM, przedsiębiorców oraz zarządów firm technologicznych, [...]

By | January 17th, 2021|Acquisitions, Business, Financial, International, IT, Sustainability|Comments Off on Jak przygotować się do pozyskania klientów zagranicznych B2B w branży IT

Le processus de la préparation des entreprises à la mise en oeuvre des projets sociaux

Yesterday was the first time that I had the opportunity to hold a webinar entirely in French for the French-speaking entrepreneurs in Poland associated in Réseau Francophone de l'Entrepreneuriat en Pologne. The participants received practical tools and tips on the topic: "#RSE - nous voulons changer le monde - mais par où commencer? Le processus [...]

By | January 16th, 2021|Business, Français, International, Sustainability|Comments Off on Le processus de la préparation des entreprises à la mise en oeuvre des projets sociaux

International Data Transfers between the EU and the USA

Data Transfers between the EU and the USA after Schrems II – European Data Protection Board's guidelines & mitigation of compliance risk in IT The Court of Justice of the European Union issued on 16 July 2020 the Schrems II vs Facebook ruling which resulted in the invalidation of the Privacy Shield. As this decision [...]

By | December 14th, 2020|Business, GDPR, Governments, International, IT, Medicine, Uncategorized|Comments Off on International Data Transfers between the EU and the USA

International commerce – Master Class

Thinking of developing your business into a new market but you don't know what to expect, how to prepare and what the process will look like? Register to the Master Class "The Milestones for Developing Business in a New Country - common challenges", the program built for the participants of JCI Euro-Asian Conference - where [...]

By | September 15th, 2020|Business, International, JCI|Comments Off on International commerce – Master Class

EU-USA Privacy Shield invalidated in the recent court ruling against Facebook – important & costly consequences for other businesses

The Court of Justice of the European Union issued on 16 July 2020 information about the Schrems II vs Facebook ruling which shall trigger expensive consequences of business adaptation/ legal compliance to the GDPR rules and the risk of potential financial sanctions for businesses which do not comply with the personal data protection. Question: How [...]

By | August 27th, 2020|Business, Financial, GDPR, Governments, International, IT|Comments Off on EU-USA Privacy Shield invalidated in the recent court ruling against Facebook – important & costly consequences for other businesses

We believe in sustainable business. Join us on the path of promoting the Global Goals of Sustainable Development of the United Nations in the daily business. Have a look at how we see it, we would be happy to walk you through the possibilities of implementing SDGs in your business model. Please see below the [...]

By | July 12th, 2020|Business, International, IT|Comments Off on

Our support for international business – Switzerland

Are you a Swiss company entering the Polish market or working with Polish business partners?  Have a look at the video below to see how we can support your business in Poland.   We support your business through various phases - from startup stage, registration, privacy protection, through the development of the existing business model [...]

By | July 10th, 2020|Acquisitions, Financial, GDPR, International, IT, Medicine, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Our support for international business – Switzerland

Le cabinet d’avocats Mamczur – qui sommes nous?

Joanna Mamczur Joanna Mamczur est avocate à Varsovie. Depuis plusieurs années, elle conseille ses clients polonais et internationaux dans le domaine du droit commercial. Langues: polonais, anglais, français et allemand. Son expertise comprend: la banque et la finance, le droit des sociétés, les fusions et acquisitions et la négociation de contrats commerciaux. [...]

By | July 9th, 2020|Business, Français, GDPR, International, IT|Comments Off on Le cabinet d’avocats Mamczur – qui sommes nous?