Yearly Archives: 2019


Video class on personal data protection for IT developers – Introduction to the GDPR

If you would like to get the general understanding of the data privacy and personal datat protection under the GDPR from IT developers perspective and their daily work - have a look at the short videos below: Part 1 In this video, we are guiding you through the basics of the GDPR that are important [...]

By | June 25th, 2019|Business, GDPR, International, IT, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Video class on personal data protection for IT developers – Introduction to the GDPR

Our story

Mamczur Law Firm has been established by attorney-at-law/ adwokat Joanna Mamczur in 2014 in Warsaw as business law practice focused on international corporate law, real-life challenges and people. We believe that people are the key assets of companies and that true leaders grow through challenges. Our goal is to support them in their growth and [...]

By | January 19th, 2019|Acquisitions, Financial, GDPR, International, IT, Medicine|Comments Off on Our story